To celebrate the ending of a 15 year performance contract at the Statue of Liberty, which stands as one of the most famous performance contracts to date, we want to highlight a few of our favorite projects within Way and its subsidiaries.

Whether it be the $2.5 million project at Jefferson County, the $12.5 million project with Houston Independent School District, the $17 million project with the University of Buffalo, the $19 million project with Louisiana State University, or the dozen of one million dollar performance contracts, Way has used the same foundational principles. Continuous innovation and education remain our cornerstones, with a focus on paramount productivity and service. Since Way began in 1918, there has been great growth accompanied by organizational changes. Through it all, the family-owned business continues to be a leader in financing and implementing energy efficiency projects.

Overall, Way has implemented over $100 million in performance contracting projects across the country. These projects together are expected to reduce customers’ annual operating expenses by over $20 million.

Walter Simpson, Buffalo University employee, recently sited Way in a blog about guidelines for hiring a good ESCO. After raving about the relationship, resources, integrity and the small, yet entrepreneurial attitude within the company, Mr. Simpson said, “The best projects are real partnerships.”

We agree…