Way Companies made the news! We’re proud to announce we’ve been published by Contractor Magazine. The online resource for Mechanical Contracting

HOUSTON — Liberty County, with its close proximity to Houston, has taken a page from the Energy City’s playbook. The county has partnered with the Way Companies’ Green Solution Team in a bundled energy program to upgrade its lighting and HVAC equipment.

Previously, Liberty was constantly slapped with large ticket repairs. No one was more accustomed to that than Judge McNair.

“The chiller in the jail was running like a 30 year old unit — a money pit,” said McNair. The antiquated and obsolete systems in the jail and courthouse were digging into the budget to the point that something needed to be done.

“We needed to find a more cost effective way to operate,” said Commissioner of Precinct 1, Mike McCarty, about the implementation of the program…”

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