
TIP #4

Your many blower components work together and are integral to your HVAC, so one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch.

Blower components are made up of many parts, including a blower wheel, the blower housing, belts, motors, sheaves, bearings, isolators, etc. Each of these keep your system running well, and their failure can have some dramatic consequences. Blowers pull warm air from your facility and move it through the evaporator coils, which cool the air and throw the air back into your facility. An HVAC system might provide adequate amounts of conditioned air, but without blower components to circulate it throughout a facility, the system would not function. ENERGY STAR® guidelines indicate that airflow problems can reduce system efficiencies by up to 15 percent. Fifteen percent inefficiency might not sound like a lot, but when you factor the cost of utilities saved, it adds up.

SEE: Energy Star Checklist

In Way Companies’ care, your blower components will run optimally and efficiently. Our preventative maintenance plans offer services that are key to keeping your equipment running at a hundred percent.

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