Way Companies made the news! We’re proud to announce we’ve been published by Llano News.

“In their last meeting for 2013, Commissioners moved that they enter into a contract with Performance Facility Services (A Way Company) for $904,380 and is for bundled energy solutions. The company has evaluated the county’s current energy usage, heating and cooling units and lighting and from their findings has developed a savings program that will help the county reduce the amount of energy it is using, which will result in three part savings: maintenance, capital expenditures, and energy savings.

The contract is for 20 years, and calls for the replacement of 44 heating and cooling units that are 10 years old or older and in need of replacement, the replacement of the majority of the county’s lighting fixtures, and the installation of thermostats that will help the county be able to better regulate usage.

The county is guaranteed savings of at least approximately $79,000 per year, which is what it will pay The Way Company for its services. They estimate a savings per year of approximately $51,000 in energy savings, $20,000 for maintenance, and believe that the county will save an additional $50,000 in capital expenditures….”

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