The Way Companies Accepts ISTC Safety Award

The Way Companies have been honored with the Industrial Safety Training Council’s (ISTC) Award for Sustained Performance. Since our founding, we have valued safety training as paramount to the business. It’s an honor to celebrate a “zero” recordable incidence rate for three consecutive years. We want to take some time out to celebrate our technician’s hard work and resolve to, not only do their duty but also, go above and beyond to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Our Industrial team has always been committed to safety. It’s no accident, excuse the pun, that we’ve had such a great record. Behind the prestigious certificate are a lot of people, our technicians and management team, who have put in a lot of hours to safety training.

ISTC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit training and education organization located in Southeast Texas. They’re committed to quality, teamwork and customer service.