TIPS Awarded Vendor

Way is now an Awarded Vendor through the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative. As an Awarded Vendor, Way offers TIPS members the opportunity to purchase products at discounted pricing without the delay and expense of going to bid. Through the TIPS program, Way is able to save agencies both time and money, while delivering Capital & Asset Management Planning and HVAC Preventative Maintenance.

Capital & Asset Management Planning
The biggest hurdle to managing your assets is knowing what assets you have. We make an inventory of your mechanical and temperature systems. With the information in-hand:
• We give you a breakdown of their condition and useful life
• Identify areas of improvement
• Provide solutions for any issues discovered
• Co-author a plan for the future of your facility

HVAC Preventative Maintenance
Much like a car, mechanical pieces of equipment, need filters changed, belts replaced, and scheduled maintenance tasks in order to perform at an optimal level and extend their useful life. With so many different units and sizes, it’s hard to keep up. We manage and develop preventive maintenance schedules based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and your specific needs.

We will reach out to you to schedule a time to further discuss opportunities that may exist in your facility!

What is TIPS?
The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) is a purchasing cooperative founded in 2002. As an awarded vendor, Way has met very strict competitive bidding process guidelines.
Having that stamp of approval, reinforces something we’ve known for over one hundred years; we are here to serve our customers and offer a quality service.

Contact us for a TIPS Quote: 1-855-268-4822