Last week we discussed the installation of germicidal UV-C lighting to combat COVID-19 and improve Indoor Air Quality. We’d like to share with you another measure you can implement, apart from your regular maintenance, to prepare your facility for full operation.

Bipolar ionization disinfects your facility’s indoor space. This is the same technology used in hospitals, universities and even the White House. It has been installed across many different industries and facilities. Yours should be next.

How it works? 

The technology creates a plasma field with charged ions. As these ions travel through the air, they deactivate viruses and pathogens by breaking them apart and causing them to re-clump into larger benign particles that can be easily filtered and thus eliminated.

This technology has been tested and proven to deactivate 99.4% of the COVID-19 virus within a 30-minute time frame.

As your single-source provider for facility solutions, Way is here to help you determine which application is best for your facility.