When you think of humidity, you may get flashes of the hot Texas weather. You may even think the “perfect” humidity level is… none. Humidity, can be rather finicky.

However, humidity control is vital for a ‘healthy’ building.

What is the current humidity level in your building? 

The research suggests that the optimal level of relative humidity (RH) is 40-60% RH. Dry air ( below 40% RH) has been shown to: 

  • Reduce healthy immune system function (respiratory epithelium, skin, etc.)
  • Increase transmission of some airborne viruses and droplets (COVID-19 still being studied) 
  • Increase survival rate of pathogens 
  • Decrease effectiveness of hand hygiene and surface cleaning because of surface re-contamination or too-quick drying of disinfectants

The Way Companies can prove the support and resources for your facility’s operation. We take care of restarting humidifiers to confirm proper moisture absorption in the airstream. Our technicians can also watch interior spaces to confirm no condensation is occurring, which would permit mold and moisture issues